Guidelines for Capacity Networking of Scuba Business for Sustainable Tourism


  • Sutsan Suttipisan Curriculum in Hospitality Industry & Tourism Management, Kasem Bundit University Bangkok 10250
  • Chalermkiet Fuangkaew Curriculum in Hospitality Industry & Tourism Management, Kasem Bundit University Bangkok 10250
  • Poramet Boonnumsirikij Department of Tourism, Faculty of Business Administration, Ramkhamhaeng University Bangkok 10240
  • Tadinee Phongroob Policy & Planning Analyst, Ministry of Tourism & Sports Bangkok 10100


Tourism, Sustainable Tourism, Scuba Diving, Scuba Business Network


This research paper aims to propose the guidelines for capacity networking of Scuba business for sustainable tourism. It employs both quantitative and qualitative research method to study 3 areas of diving activity in Thailand; which are 1) Koh Tao, Surat Thani Province; 2) Koh Lan, Chonburi Province; and 3) Koh Raja, Phuket Province.

The Existing situation of Scuba business networking in the studied areas are different. The network in Koh Tao is the most related with tourism in terms of accommodation, restaurant, and other small business. It is also more potential in terms of amenities, particularly in medical and security services. Both of services are necessary service for Scuba diving tourism activity; due to the activity is high risk of accident and incident from its procedure and equipment, as well as the natural condition.

The guidelines for capacity networking of Scuba business for sustainable tourism are 1) the use of social measures prior the legal measure; 2) the development of Marine Watch Dog network from the existing Scuba business network; 3) the initiatives of Scuba tourism standard; 4) the policy of  cross-sectoral collaboration among private, public, and local agencies in Scuba tourism; 5) the capacity building and development for sustainable development, together with knowledge-based community in marine resources and its utilization; 6)  the promotion of local dive leader and tour guide for Scuba diving in Thailand.


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How to Cite

Suttipisan, S., Fuangkaew, C., Boonnumsirikij, P., & Phongroob, T. (2019). Guidelines for Capacity Networking of Scuba Business for Sustainable Tourism. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 7(2), 282–294. retrieved from



Research Article