The Guidelines for Managing Foreign Workers in the Eastern part of Thailand


  • Phongsak Phakamach College of Innovation Management, Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin, Nakhon Phatom Province 73170
  • Chaiwat Prasongsang College of Innovation Management, Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin, Nakhon Phatom Province 73170
  • Settachai Chaisanit Sripatum University Chonburi Campus, Chonburi Province 20000
  • Tanoo Yousukee The Army Research and Development Office, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400
  • Chukiat Chuiypetch The Army Research and Development Office, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400


Foreign Workers


This article aims to present the guidelines for managing foreign workers in the eastern part of Thailand, with the following objectives: 1) to study the status and problems of migrant workers; 2) to study the problems of managing foreign workers affecting the national security; and 3) to create a workforce management approach in the eastern part of Thailand to apply to relevant agencies. This research uses qualitative research methodology, focusing on specific issues that lead to the establishment of a foreign worker management approach. Target informant include: 1) 3 members of the Royal Thai Navy; 2) 5 national security policy

agencies; 3) 16 officials responsible for managing foreign workers; 4) 18 employers and operators in the fishery and industrial sectors; 5) 6 contractors; 6) 5 national security experts; and 7) 5 foreign workers management specialists. The total number of 42 people came from a specific selection. The research tools were unstructured interviews. Analysis and synthesis of qualitative research data by means of analytical descriptive method, the validation of data is by means of triangulation technique and to confirm the strategy by experts conformation.

The research found that the appropriate form of management of foreign workers affecting national security are four elements: 1) the policy on foreign workers; 2) the laws and regulations governing foreign workers; 3) organization; management of foreign workers; and 4) to create a database of migrant workers. The guidelines for managing migrant workers in eastern Thailand include the following: 1) the determination of policies and measures on foreign workers; 2) the guidelines for the implementation of policies on migrant workers for concrete practice; 3) to monitor and evaluate the management of foreign workers. 4) to determine success factors in the management of migrant workers. 5) projects related to the management of foreign workers. This approach can be applied in the management of foreign workers for national security in Thailand. This will make the management of foreign workers in Thailand more effective and systematic in the future.


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How to Cite

Phakamach, P., Prasongsang, C., Chaisanit, S., Yousukee, T., & Chuiypetch, C. (2019). The Guidelines for Managing Foreign Workers in the Eastern part of Thailand. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 7(2), 190–229. retrieved from



Research Article