The Experiment of Thai Dance From The Laban Movement Analysis


  • นงนภัส ขจรมาลี สาขาวิชาศิลปะการแสดง คณะศิลปกรรมศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนสุนันทา กรุงเทพมหานคร 10300


The Experiment of Thai Dance, Movement Analysis, Laban


This research aims to study about the principal analysis of movement theory, by Laban, adapting with Thai dancing. The study focused on basic performance in order to be the role model creating new dancing styles based on Mea Bodlak styles. Moreover, the adaptation studied the principal analysis of movement theory about 8 Laban for generating creativity of Thai dancing styles. The researcher had collected data by review the previous literature, interview and observing of participation and non-participation practices by 3 samples which were performers, Laban instructors and honorary people to review the quality of creativity.

The results indicated that 1) the new Thai dancing styles in the features of ready-made styles were designed by the story or imitating natural movements based on meanings of Mea Bodlak verse as changing organs of human body by arrange level, direction and arms and hands movement to create the new styles and also referring to Thai dance physical language and being a basis of design Thai dance styles which preserved the identity of original Thai dance styles. 2) most of new Thai dancing styles through a smooth movement which was continually done by a basic of Thai dance styles in running, turning, animal imitation. Moreover, feature movements of touching, pushing, shaking and stretching which were a part of manner movements and linked to Thai dance ready-made styles. However, in other feature movements of whipping, cutting and boxing, it could not demonstrate smooth feeling and movement so, it was less used to adapt with Thai dance features and 3) to create the creative Thai dancing styles, following the principal of body movements by Laban, and it demonstrates the beautiful and delicate movements on stage. In case of that, this research increased the creativity of conservative to Thai dancing styles which continuously improving the performances as well as the guideline of the creativity of dramatic arts in the future


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How to Cite

ขจรมาลี น. (2019). The Experiment of Thai Dance From The Laban Movement Analysis. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 7(2), 180–189. retrieved from



Research Article