The Creative Process of the Southern Folk Dance by Aslimala Troupe


  • จิระเดช นุกูลโรจน์ สาขาศิลปะการแสดง คณะศิลปกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฎสวนสุนันทา กรุงเทพมหานคร 10300


Creative Process, Folk Dance in Southern Malaya, Asli Mala


The purpose of this research was to studying the choreography process, composition and process of Malay folk dance in the south of Assi-Mala and interviews.The research found that the process of creating Malay folk dance in South of Assali Mali is divided into 2 forms, 6 sets as shown below. The courtship pattern consists of 1) Sammalisum Dance 2) Kipaspayong Dance 3) Tarilebanatemburine Dance. The dance style consists of choreography 1) Yoketcitikaheng Dance 2) Taribuhnghaduare Dance 3) Applied Tarilileng Dance. Choreography is a combination of dance in the Malay region such as Nang Leng Folk Dance in the South, Thai Dance and Dance in Malaysia. The composition of the show is divided into 5 parts are these 1) Concept 2) Music 3) Choreography 4) Costume 5) Equipment for display The creative process has 3 important steps: 1) Creative planning stage 2) Creative stage 3) Presentation and improvement. And from the study found that the Malay folk dance of southern Asli Mala still be a unique artistic presence, the show is clearly visible and he traditional Malay culture and traditions remain. This research was designed to inherit the Southern Arts and Culture and the art of the show is widespread in academic. Can be a way to create a performance of the dance of students, students and individuals interested in performing arts.


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How to Cite

นุกูลโรจน์ จ. (2019). The Creative Process of the Southern Folk Dance by Aslimala Troupe. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 7(2), 156–179. retrieved from



Research Article