Comparison between 5 steps and 11 steps of teaching method on Short-run skills in Mathayomsuksa 2’s students of Lahansai Ratchadapisek School


  • Amorntheap Wandee Physical Education, Faculty of Education, Buriram Rajabhat University, Buriram Province 31000
  • Wipaporn Osotprasart Physical Education, Faculty of Education, Buriram Rajabhat University, Buriram Province 31000
  • Chokaew Ramruai Physical Education, Faculty of Education, Buriram Rajabhat University, Buriram Province 31000


5 steps teaching, 11 steps teaching, Short-run, Startting


The purposes of this study were 1) to study before and after learning achievement in starting block skill for sprints in track events. 2) to compare the results of 5 and 11 steps teaching methods for the starting block skill for sprints in track events for the students of Mattayomsuksa 2 of Lahansai Ratchadapisek School. Subjects were consisted of 74 people, Mattayomsuksa 2/6 and 2/7 students during the second semester of academic year 2018 in Lahansai district, Buriram province at Buriram Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. Subject were by purposive sampling method. The instruments for the study included 3 lesson plans of the 5 and 11 steps regarding the starting block skill for sprints in track events. Subjects were measured by 10 multiple choices learning achievement tests and 5 rating scales of practical skills record form by means of finding percentage, standard deviation, mean, t-test dependent sample and t-test independent sample.

          The findings:

  1. The students had more theory and practice scores after using 5 and 11 methods than betore teach.
  2. The practical test after teaching, the students were learned 11 steps had more scores than learned 5 steps. (p ≤ .05)

The results of the study were as follows: The experiment group and the control group had post-test scores more than pre-test scores with statistical significance at the level .05. The teaching by using the 11 steps of the teaching process which had the teaching steps and details that is more than teaching using the 5 steps of the teaching process. The results of comparing in learning of the students who participated in using 11 steps of teaching process got an average score of post-test scores rather than teaching by using 5 steps of teaching process with statistical significance at the level .05.

Therefore, teaching with the 11 steps of teaching process is effective for teaching skills in athletics. It is rather than teaching with the 5 steps of teaching process which will be a guideline for further development of the teaching model in Physical Education.


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How to Cite

Wandee, A., Osotprasart, W., & Ramruai, C. (2019). Comparison between 5 steps and 11 steps of teaching method on Short-run skills in Mathayomsuksa 2’s students of Lahansai Ratchadapisek School. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 7(2), 42–57. retrieved from



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