Tourism business and the readiness to providing services for way of life tourism of Pak Phanang river basin, Pak Phanang district, Nakhon Si Thammarat.
Tourism Business, the readiness to providing services, Way of life tourism of Pak Phanang riverAbstract
This research aimed at 1) to examine the readiness of entrepreneurs in providing tourism services for way of life tourism of Pak Phanang river basin, Pak Phanang district and 2)to compare the readiness of entrepreneurs in providing tourism services for way of life tourism of Pak Phanang river basin according to the types of tourism business. The research utilized questionnaires to collect data. The results were presented by descriptive statistics, and One Way Anova with Games-Howell statistic.
The results showed that tourism entrepreneurs had high level of readiness in term of marketing management aspect. The results revealed that there was a difference between tourism entrepreneurs in lodging, restaurant and souvenir shops regarding their readiness in marketing management. Souvenir entrepreneurs showed highest level of marketing management readiness among others. Tourism entrepreneurs had highest level of readiness in term of management. The results indicated that there was a difference between tourism entrepreneurs in lodging, restaurant and souvenir shops regarding their readiness in management. Souvenir entrepreneurs showed highest level of marketing management readiness among others.
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