Floating Market Studies: A Literature Review
Floating Market, Local Communities, Tourism, MediaAbstract
Floating markets or riverside markets have been an important part of local economy, and could also merge Thai local history and contemporary era. Floating market is the topic studied by several scholars. The current article reviewed these research studies and they could be grouped as 6 themes. First, folk wisdom and priceless cultures could be found and preserved in floating markets. Second, the decoration, surrounding, and goods sold in floating market should be unique and worth to keep or explored. Third, the uniqueness of these places provides the tourists with relaxing moment and the sense of escaping from everyday routine. Forth, marketing mix has frequently been the major topic for research studies. Next, many scholars gave suggestion to improve the environment and economy of floating market, which mostly are about the cooperation among folks, hawkers, and government officials. Finally, various kinds of media, such as social network, TV, and local newspaper should be used as the tools to promote floating markets as the tourist attractions. The current article suggests that participatory action research should be employed by involving a technology that helps local people communicate with foreign tourists. This will directly increase local people’s income.
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