The Gharavasa-dhamma that appears on the Esiimsi of the temple in the city of Phitsanulok Province.


  • Supaporn Sutammaruk Thai Languages Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social sciences,Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, Phitsanulok Province 65000
  • Sukunyasopee Chaiklam Thai Languages Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social sciences,Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, Phitsanulok Province 65000


Gharavasa-dhamma, Esiimsi, Amphoe Mueang Phitsanulok, Phitsanulok Province


A study of Gharavasa-dhamma that appears on the Esiimsi from a temple in Mueang Phitsanulok district. Phitsanulok Province Which the research found that The content contained in the Esiimsi consists of 11 aspects, such as fortune, love, spouse, health, lawsuit, enemy, debt, teachings and beliefs, children, lost items. Work and travel.

As for the Gharavasa-dhamma that appear in the Esiimsi is a talk about the virtues for a good household life: Dama, which means taming and training oneself. Improve oneself to progress the most, followed by Khanti, which means tolerance, do their job with diligence and not give up.

Survey of risk-takers at the various temples in various districts in Mueang Phitsanulok In which 203 respondents were asked to enter from Google Forms, found that the majority are female 125 and males 78, aged between 21–30 years, 108 people, followed by the age 31–40 years, 37 people, professional students and 77 students, followed by the private sector. 37 people have single status, 173 people and marital status,
53 people. Most of the people who come to risk them leaves will come once a month, 173 people, but the level of belief in the results of the leaves is in the middle of 118 people, followed by a high level of 61 people. Bai Esiimsi will believe in fortune, 53 people, followed by work, 37 people and those who take the risk at most Esiimsi think that the Esiimsi teaches morals about life Carelessness, goodness, patience, perseverance Mind control, etc.


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How to Cite

Sutammaruk, S., & Chaiklam, S. (2020). The Gharavasa-dhamma that appears on the Esiimsi of the temple in the city of Phitsanulok Province. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 8(1), 154–179. retrieved from