Predicates in Chinese and English
โครงสร้าง, ภาคแสดง, ภาษาจีน, ภาษาอังกฤษAbstract
The predicate plays an important role in a sentence structure. Without it, the reader or hearer does not understand what the subject does, possesses, or is. In some languages such as English, without the predicate, a complete sentence cannot be constructed. To draw an overall picture of predicates, this academic paper aims to investigate the predicates in Chinese and English. The main focus is placed on their forms rather than meanings and uses, since when a learner starts learning a new language, s/he is initially introduced to the form before the other two elements are taken into account. Besides the forms of predicates, this academic paper also presents the similarities and differences between the two languages. The final part covers the pedagogical implications to pave the way for teachers to employ the forms of second language predicates (L2), specifically Chinese, to a new language learner.
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