Development of Higher-Order Thinking Skills through the Flipped Classroom Teaching in Philosophy of Education Course
Higher-Order Thinking Skills, Flipped ClassroomAbstract
This research aimed to study the effect of flipped classroom on development of higher-order thinking skills through the Flipped Classroom teaching in Philosophy of Education Course. Use basic research patterns by conducting experiments based on a single group research plan, measuring two times before and after the experiment. Target groups include 1st year students, Bachelor of Education Program Lampang Rajabhat University registered in Philosophy of Education Course In semester 2/2561, 1 group of English and Psychology courses, a total of 15 students were acquired by means of a specific selection The tools used in the research consisted of tools used in learning management, and the tools used for collecting data are Advanced Thinking Skills Test Data were analyzed using basic statistics such as frequency, percentage (%),mean (), standard deviation (S.D.) and t-test Dependent Sample. The results of the study showed that the higher-order thinking skills of students in the academic philosophy courses were significantly different at the level of .01. Shows that students who have taught by using the inverted classroom have higher thinking skills than before studying with statistical significance at the level of .01.
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