The The study of learning behavior pattern using science process skills through research-based learning activity of science student teachers: formulating hypotheses and experimental skills
formulating hypotheses and experimental skills
Learning behavior pattern, Formulating hypothesis skill, Experimental skill, Research-based learning, Science student teacherAbstract
This paper report the results of studying the learning behavior pattern involving with science process skills, formulating hypothesis skill and experimental skill, of science student teachers through research-based learning (RBL) activity. This study used qualitative research methodology and inductive analysis. The subject is 44 of the 3rd year science student teacher, selected by purposive sampling. Research-based learning approach was allowed to design learning activity and then applied to use for electric and energy course. That activity composed of 6 minor activities. Research data were collected from learning behavior questions involving with formulating hypothesis skill and experimental skill (IOC = 1.00), before and after learning activities. The result indicating that students reflected their learning behavior pattern related with formulating hypothesis skill as 4 patterns. Among these, there is 1 pattern which exhibited self-inquiry learning, calculated as 5.6% before RBL activities and increasing in 76.5% after RBL activities. For reflecting of learning behavior in experimental skills of the students, we found that before RBL activities, there also are 4 different learning pattern. And there is still 1 pattern that reflects learning by using experiments to discover a knowledge by themselves, calculated as 17.4%. The interesting finding is a learning behavior pattern that reflect student learning by using experiments to search for knowledge by themselves, after RBL activity, was found as a very high level of up to 100%. The showed results is completely different from the learning pattern in which students reflect their learning behavior before studying.
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