Model of Students Affairs Administration to Develop the 21st Century Learning Skills of Autonomous University.
Student Affairs, The 21st Century Skills, Autonomous UniversityAbstract
The purpose of this research was to study the components of the model of students affairs administration to develop the 21st century learning skills of autonomous university. Which was divided into 2 steps, namely, step 1 is analysis, synthesis of documents and related research (Content Analysis) and step 2, exploratory factor analysis. Study by handing out questionnaires to from the population of 21 autonomous university from 56 locations nationwide divided into 2 groups: the first group; namely the student affairs department manager, the director of the student affairs department, the staff of the student affairs department at the university level and the faculty of 315 were obtained by purposive random sampling. The actual questionnaires were collected for 143 copies and the second group of students: namely, general students and students who are on the agenda of the student organization management committee of 420 people, obtained by convenience sampling by receiving 377 actual collected questionnaires. Total are 520 copies.
The results of the research found that, the components of student affairs administration can be divided into 2 areas: 1) Student services, consisting of service and student welfare, scholarship, career and recruitment guidance, student discipline, administrative and sports 2) Student development consists of Student activities. And the exploratory factor analysis found that, the components of student affairs administration can be divided into 2 sides: Student services consists of services and student welfare, career and recruitment guidance, student discipline, administration, physical health care, counseling and mental health care and information technology. As for student development, it consists of student activities. There were additional learning skills in the 21st century in 5 skills: Learning skills, Creative and Innovation skills, Information & Media and technology skills, Life and Career skills and Moral & Ethical and volunteer skills.
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