Social Network Usage Behaviors on Information Literacy Skills of Undergraduate Students in University of Phayao


  • Thanakorn Pookorn epartment of Digital Communication, Faculty of Information and Communication, MaeJo University


Social network usage behaviors, Online learning network, Information literacy


The purposes of the research were to investigate 1) social network usage behaviors, 2) the process of online learning network on information literacy skills, 3) problems, ways of problem solving and 4)suggestions of online learning network on information literacy skills. The sample group consisted of 121 undergraduate students selected by multi-stage sampling at University of Phayao. The instrument applied for data collection was the questionnaire. The data obtained was analyzed by frequency and percentage. The results of the research showed that  

            1) The undergraduate students at University of Phayao mostly used every day and used it less than 5 hours per day to catch up the information feed, have comments, discuss within online group and sometimes look back to the information. Moreover, they usually posted, shared or gave consideration to the content of information. The students sometimes changed attitudes towards the information influenced on having knowledge and keeping up with the times, and they downloaded information to keep it up; then they occasionally prioritized and tell it to others.

           2) The process of online learning network on information literacy skills were 2.1) most of undergraduate students at University of Phayao caught up information to know via (a Facebook Page created by teachers of each course) and Additionally, they chose the information from reliable writers and shared that information through the use of 2.2) Most students kept track of useful information by means of, and they chose the information by their favorites. Also, they shared it by  2.3) Mostly, the students kept track of information they needed to know from; furthermore, they chose it from well-known websites and shared it on

          3) The undergraduate students at University of Phayao had a problem of choosing information to know from social network. In addition, they generally solved problems by looking into information from reliable resources, making a judgement of information to know selection and taking the information to know into consideration before online sharing.

          4)They also made suggestions of having more dependable websites, resources and learning websites, and they advised to concern with choosing the information to know.


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How to Cite

Pookorn, T. (2019). Social Network Usage Behaviors on Information Literacy Skills of Undergraduate Students in University of Phayao. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 9(1), 216–232. retrieved from



Research Article