The influencing factors of Facebook as a tool of perception related to Public Relation of Kasem Bundit University among high school students


  • Jittraporn Charoenmin Kasem Bundit University, Bangkok 10250


Public Relations, Facebook, Perception


The purposes of this study were to examine the influencing factors of Facebook as a tool of perception related to Public Relation of Kasem Bundit University among high school students, to investigate the level of information perception related to Kasem Bundit University’s activities among high school students,  to study the relationship between Facebook as a tool to promote Kasem Bundit University’s activities and the perception of KBU’s activities among high school students.

A survey study was conducted by randomly distributing a set of questionnaires with .965- reliability in order to analyze an unidentified amount of sample group by applying Non-Probability sampling. In addition, a set of questionnaires were also randomly distributed to 323 persons on Purposive Sampling.

The finding showed that the influencing factors at the highest level related to News released, positive motivation activities, information distributions, positively related organization identification, special activities and events. In addition, the medium level were the factors of environment and corporate social responsibility activities, and communities related activities. The highest level related to Kasem Bundit University’s information were the personal attitude and motivation, and at the medium level on interests and expectation.

The results were consistent with the hypothesis showed that applying social media such as Facebook to promote Kasem Bundit University activities and information influenced the perception among high school students; for example, new student’s application activities, concept of taking photos competition and the slogan of “Ways to Success… at Kasem Bundit University”.  In addition, the influencing factors from KBU’s activities such as Future Career Path” in variety of faculty, “Dek Kasem Scholarship” activities signified positive relation to Social Media that inspired high school students’ attitude to KBU faculty related to students’ future career path from the slogan of new students’ application “Ways to Success… at Kasem Bundit University” had influenced high school students’ perception of KBU information and activities significantly.




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How to Cite

Charoenmin, J. (2019). The influencing factors of Facebook as a tool of perception related to Public Relation of Kasem Bundit University among high school students. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 7(2), 264–281. retrieved from



Research Article