The components of the novel in Thai S.E.A. Write Award-finalist annual 2015


  • เยาวภา มูลเจริญ คณะศิลปศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยพะเยา


The components of the novel, Thai S.E.A. Write Award, Novel


This research aimed to study the novel in Thai S.E.A. Write Award-finalist annual 2015 of 9 novels.  The study’s framework includes the components of the novel: the plots, theme, characterization, dialogues, settings and writing styles. The result reveals that the 9 novels presents main plot which is the result of the character’s actions that leads to the sub-plot. Theme presents social reflection nowadays. The components of mate selection showing the characters’ conflicting thought is similarly prevalent in all the 9 novels. The round charaters run the narratives and realistically. The dialogues are realistically compatible to the characters’ personality and their emotional state in each situation. The setting include both real and imaginary setting. The real setting are clear and described realistically. The imaginary setting are suitably created according to situations in the stories. The writing style is good. The narrative and descriptive language as well as the use of figurative language is perfectly and it is the unique style of each author


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How to Cite

มูลเจริญ เ. (2019). The components of the novel in Thai S.E.A. Write Award-finalist annual 2015. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 7(2), 75–87. retrieved from



Research Article