Social Insurance Fund Investment to Strengthening Social Security System in Thailand
Social Security Act, Social Insurance, Social Security, Social Security OfficeAbstract
The Social Security Act, B.E. 2533 is to provide social insurance 7 types of benefits, which is sickness, maternity, invalidity, death, child allowance, old-age pension, and unemployment. The social insurance fund is contributed by employees, employers and the government. These are typically referred to as payroll taxes and difference from taxation of income and property. The Social Security Committee has power and duty to investment management that focused on highly secured assets, plus higher returns, and to reduce risks. In consideration of the investment returns in 2017, it was found that revenues are higher than expenditures. However, the Social Security Office should conduct research on topics: (a) planning expenditures of old-age pension, (b) expanding a contribution rate, (c) quality of health care system, and (d) reviewing the privatization of fund to achieve long-term profitability.
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