The Quality of Work Life and Organizational Commitment of Employees Smart Traffic Company Limited


  • นรินทร์ทิพย์ กองทา Master of Business Administration, Kasem Bundit University, Bangkok Province 10250


Quality of Work Life, Organizational Commitment


This study analyzed the level of Quality of Work Life (QWL) among employees Smart Traffic Company Limited the level of employees’ relationship upon their organization Smart Traffic Company Limited, to compare the employees’ relationship upon their organization in terms of individual factors; and to investigate the relationship between Quality of Work Life influential and employees’ relationship upon their organization Smart Traffic Company Limited, A survey study was conducted by using a set of questionnaires based on a sample of 144 employees in Smart Traffic Company Limited.

The findings showed that the medium level of quality of work life; meanwhile, the high level on quality of life including the following features: the personnel’s competency development, social integration and organizational democracy. However, the medium level of quality of work life related to the following:  family and work life balance, career path development and job security, work related to corporate social responsibility (CSR), reasonable and fair remuneration, and working environment. Finally, the relationship to their organization is at high level at every aspect.

The results were consistent with the hypothesis at the level of 0.05 showed the quality work life factors, career path development opportunities, work related to corporate social responsibility (CSR), safety work environment and personnel’s competency development support were the significant positive variation related to employees’ relationship upon their organization.


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How to Cite

กองทา น. (2019). The Quality of Work Life and Organizational Commitment of Employees Smart Traffic Company Limited. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 7(1), 251–273. retrieved from



Research Article