Brand Development for Building Value Perception of Long Lablae Durian of KonRak durian Bandannakham Club, Muang, Uttaradit Province


  • กมลวรรณ มั่งคั่ง
  • ภาศิริ เขตปิยรัตน์ Faculty of Management Science, Uttaradit Rajabhat University, Uttaradit Province 53000
  • พิชญาพร พีรพันธุ์ Faculty of Management Science, Uttaradit Rajabhat University, Uttaradit Province 53000
  • วิสุทธิ์ สุขบำรุง Faculty of Management Science, Uttaradit Rajabhat University, Uttaradit Province 53000
  • นิยดา รักวงษ์ Faculty of Management Science, Uttaradit Rajabhat University, Uttaradit Province 53000
  • สมเกียรติ จิระวงศ์เสถียร Faculty of Management Science, Uttaradit Rajabhat University, Uttaradit Province 53000


Brand development, Brand, Long lablae durian, Bandannakham, value perception


This research was a study of brand development in order to build the value perception of Long Lablae durian of Khon Rak Durian Bandannakham Club of Mueang District in Uttaradit Province. The objectives of this study were 1) to develop the brand of Long Lablae durian of Khon Rak Durian Bandannakham Club of Mueang District in Uttaradit Province, and 2) to build the value perception of of Long Lablae durian under the brand of Khon Rak Durian Bandannakham Club of Mueang District in Uttaradit Province. The research methodology was carried out by collecting data from in-depth interview and focus group discussion among 30 of leaders and members of Long Lablae durian of Khon Rak Durian Bandannakham Club of Mueang District in Uttaradit Province. Questionnaires were applied to examine the value perception of Long Lablae durian under the brand of the club. The samples in this study included 400 consumers of Long Lablae durian. The statistical analysis performed in the research were percentage, mean, and stand deviation.

The findings related to brand development for Long Lable durian of Khon Rak Durian Bandannakham Club in this study could be summarized in 6 stages. The brand development procedures began from the identification of target group to the brand value management. In order to appropriately proceed the brand development procedures, the Khon Rak Durian Bandannakham Club and the durian farmers paid most attention to the image of the brand so that the value perception would be established and satisfied by the consumers, and eventually brand loyalty. As for the value perception of the consumers towards Long Lable durian of Khon Rak Durian Bandannakham Club of Mueang District in Uttaradit Province, the results indicated that majority of the questionnaire respondents were female consumers of 41 to 50 years old whose income range was in between 5,000 to 10,000 baht. They revealed that they did not know that the brand of Long Lablae durian was from Uttaradit Province. They also said to expect the quality of the brand in returning products of poor quality. In addition, the respondents revealed what they desired of brand reliability was the ability to respond the consumers’ demand more than the their expectation.


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How to Cite

มั่งคั่ง ก., เขตปิยรัตน์ ภ., พีรพันธุ์ พ., สุขบำรุง ว., รักวงษ์ น., & จิระวงศ์เสถียร ส. (2019). Brand Development for Building Value Perception of Long Lablae Durian of KonRak durian Bandannakham Club, Muang, Uttaradit Province. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 7(1), 274–298. retrieved from



Research Article