Moral and Ethical Development : Development approach


  • ประไพรัตน์ ลำใจ Education Administration , University of Phayao


Moral and Ethical, Moral and Ethical Development


Moral and ethical are social acceptable goodness. They are caused by communal and education by training, practice, and the action are good trait beneficial to themselves and the others. The theory and principles are article addresses six approaches to ethical development, namely: intellectual development theory, affective domain group theory, behaviorism, psycho-behavioral science, sociology and religious instruction. Furthermore, ethical development methods which rely on a basic concept in a given theory are also considered. Intellectual development theory is defined as ones’ moral development proceeds in step with and depends on one’s cognitive progress. Affective domain group theory explains individual moral development as related to the level of mental learning quality. Behaviorism focuses on giving reinforces and therefore utilizes reinforcement in order to modify a person’s ethics. Psycho-behaviorism emphasizes one’s moral development by relating it to data obtained from diverse researches, that the process and techniques of improving citizens’ ethics are very important. Sociology focuses the on the socialization process, which includes the method of bringing up and educating youth through copious agents such as parents, teachers, friends, monks and media. For religious instructors they aim to intensify individual ethics in accordance with Dharma principle, claiming this can help people to live happily in society. Although, each model contains different basic beliefs of development, there is a coincidence of modeling of the ethical development process. (The guidelines develop for moral and ethical. In children and adolescents based on the knowledge, awareness, moral consciousness of the value of philosophy.) Reconciliation nonviolent way of democratic development of the moral basis of the learning process that links your cooperation. Institutions, religious institutions, families, communities and institutions to develop youth to be good. Knowledgeable and well-being by virtues. The studied forms for moral and ethical are divided into four types: 1) model for moral and ethical by family, 2) model for moral and ethical by religious institutions, 3) model for moral and ethical by schools and 4) model for moral and ethical by community.


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How to Cite

ลำใจ ป. (2019). Moral and Ethical Development : Development approach. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 2(3), 29–41. retrieved from



Research Article