The Phenomenal Characteristics of Factors on the Sign Language Learning of Elementary Hearing Impaired Students


  • ศรีสุดา พัฒจันทร์ Educational Research and Statistics Branch Faculty of Education Burapa university
  • สมโภชน์ อเนกสุข Department of Research and Applied Psychology Faculty of Education Burapa university
  • ศศินันท์ ศิริธาดากุลพัฒน์ Department of Research and Applied Psychology Faculty of Education Burapa university


Sign Language Learning, Hearing Impaired Students, Phenomenal Characterristics


The purpose of this study was 1) to analyze confirmatory factors on the sign language learning of elementary hearing impaired students and 2) to investigate the phenomenal characteristics of factors on the sign language of elementary hearing impaired students by applying Mixed Method Research; quantitative and qualitative approach. The participants consisted of students, parents and instructors of hearing impaired students in elementary school during the second semester in the academic year of 2013. There were 207 students in Deaf School by the authorized of Bureau of Special Education, 207 parents and 33 instructors. The research instrument included a questionnaire with 3 scale. The statistical procedure employed to analyze the data was confirmatory factor analysis. Data collection in part of qualitative approach received from individual interview and content analysis was used.

                The finding were as follow: Factors on the sign language learning of hearing impaired students conformed to the empirical data. There were 4 latent variables which were family, education, students and society and 13 observable variables. The statistical result are= 52.20, = 36, = .03951, /=1.45, GFI = .96, AGFI = .91, RMSEA = .047. Phenomenon characteristic of family: parents offered their children a special care and considered on the importance of sign language in the school with high level of student’s proficiency. On the other hand, in the school with low level of students’ proficiency, parents lacked of the knowledge about hearing impaired children and sign language. They are also pessimistic. Education: in the school with high level of student’s proficiency, teachers were masterful in terms of instruction for hearing impaired students. In addition, students were provided the appropriate environment and full facilities. In contrast with the school of students’ low proficiency, teachers were inadequate of sign language teaching skill. The development of sign language teaching among those teachers was inadequate. Student: in the school with high level of student’s proficiency, most students owned high availability and responsibility in their education. On the contrary, in the school with low level of student’s proficiency, it was found that students were redundancy disabled children. They also suffered from family issue along with their belated education. Society: students could effectively improve their sign language skill with their friends. Most students lived with their friends happily and received the assistance among group in terms of sign language communication. Thus, friend was considered as one of the most important parts for hearing impaired students.    


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How to Cite

พัฒจันทร์ ศ., อเนกสุข ส., & ศิริธาดากุลพัฒน์ ศ. (2019). The Phenomenal Characteristics of Factors on the Sign Language Learning of Elementary Hearing Impaired Students. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 2(3), 18–28. retrieved from



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