The Development of Strategies to Promotion for Teacher Competency of Municipality School


  • สุทธิพร ภิญโญ Education Administration, University of Phayao
  • สมบัติ นพรัก School of Education, University of Phayao
  • เทียมจันทร์ พานิชย์ผลินไชย Fuculty of Education, Naresuan University, Phisanulok Province 65000
  • สันติ บูรณะชาติ Education Administration, University of Phayao, Phayao Province 56000


Strategies, Teacher competency, Municipality schools


The main purpose of this research was to develop a strategy to promote the of strategies teachers competency in municipality schools. The specific purpose were 1) to study and survey the teachers competency in municipality schools 2) to draft a strategic model to promote the teachers competency in municipality schools 3) to implement the strategic model to promote the teachers competency  in municipality schools 4) to evaluate the strategic model of teacher competency in municipality schools.

               The research methodology followed 4 steps 1) to study competency, survey and guidelines the teachers competency in municipality schools. The concept of teachers competency in municipality schools. Study in strategic management and competency, study of promoting teachers competency in municipality schools. 2) to draft the strategic model to promote the teachers competency in municipality schools. The draft strategy and guide the implementation of the strategy to promote the teachers competency in municipality schools. To determine the suitability of the draft strategy by highly qualified guides 3) to experiment strategic model of teachers in schools under the municipality and city councils and 4) to evaluate strategic and the teachers competency in municipality schools. Finally, the guidelines encourage the teachers competency in municipality schools that should be adopted: 1) training, 2) sessions, 3) study 4) supervision and monitoring 5) exchange experience and 6). Team work to guide and promote the teachers competency in municipality schools.

The research findings were as follows:

  1. The study and survey the teachers competency in municipality schools that are operated at a high level. The core competencies that should be promoted include 1) the intended outcomes, 2) good service 3) the teamwork 4) ethical and unethical. That should include the development of self-development. competency of the work in the field that should be promoted include 1) analysis synthesis and research to develop learners 2) leadership teachers 3) building relationships and partnerships with community-based learning. Part of the development should include 1) the course and learning management 2) the development of the students and 3) management and classroom management.
  2. The draft a strategy to promote the teachers competency in municipality schools 1) Principle 2)vision 3) Mission 4) Objective 4) Target 5) Progress include Strategy 1)Teachers promote the development of knowledge. Strategy 2) Professional development for teachers to learn management skills. Strategy 3) To encourage teachers to create learning networks drag the part and Strategy 4) Strengthening the moral conscience Ethics for Teachers  and Guide teachers in schools under municipal competency strategies include 1) Objectives 2) Scope 3) Definitions 4) procedures and 5) evaluation.
  1. The implementation of strategic model to promote teacher competency in schools that promote civic competence of teachers in municipality schools strategies teachers use strategies to promote is high.

       4. The evaluate strategic and the teachers competency in municipality schools to promote the teachers competency in municipality schools. Showed result in the feasibility is highest possible.


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How to Cite

ภิญโญ ส., นพรัก ส., พานิชย์ผลินไชย เ., & บูรณะชาติ ส. (2019). The Development of Strategies to Promotion for Teacher Competency of Municipality School. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 4(1), 2–15. Retrieved from



Research Article