Social Network Using Behavior of Undergraduate Students of University of Phayao


  • พรพรรณ จั นทร์แดง School of Management and InformationScience, University of Phayao, Phayao Province 56000


Social Network, Social Network Using, Social Network Using Behavior


The purpose of this research is to analyze the behaviors of online social network users, their attitudes and opinions on online social network use as well as to investigate problems caused by online social network usage. By performing Taro Yamane’s formula and as to obtain reliable data, 412 undergraduate students of University of Phayao were randomly selected. Descriptive statistics, t-test and one-way ANNOVA were performed to analyze the data collected from questionnaires.

For user behavioral aspect, 71.32% of the students were reported to access online social network the first thing after they turn on their smartphones. 50% spent more than 5 hours a day on smartphones, and 72.06% used smartphones to chat and post comments. Other activities and educational activities were also reported as in a high level.

For users’ attitude, 51.04% of the students stated that they used online social network during classes with no problem concentrating. Entertainment was obtained the most from using social network, and health-related problems such as blurred vision, neck pain, backache, and headache were the most common problem caused by using online social network.

However, there were no significant differences between genders in all aspects. No significant differences in all aspects were showed between students from different years as well.


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How to Cite

นทร์แดง พ. . จ. (2019). Social Network Using Behavior of Undergraduate Students of University of Phayao. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 4(2), 44–54. retrieved from



Research Article