Comparative Admission Analysis of Higher Education in Thailand and New Zealand


  • ปาริชาต โปธิ Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education Kasetsart University,Thailand
  • พัชนา อินทรัศมี Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education Kasetsart University,Thailand
  • สิทธิกร สุมาลี Education, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University, Thailand.
  • วิภารัตน์ แสงจันทร์ Education, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University, Thailand


Admission, Higher Education


This article presents a comparative admission analysis of higher education in Thailand and New Zealand.  This is the qualitative study of document analysis for comparison of the admission in higher education in various dimensions such as 1) The aim of the selection  2) Selection system 3) Qualifications  for admission 4) Elements of the entrance exam 5.The criteria for selection 6) Application of evaluation scores 7) Responsible Agency and 8) Administration and evaluation management. Also, suggestions for admission in higher education that appropriate to the context of Thailand are as follows: 1) Education management for high education should be linked to higher education. 2) National standard exam should be considered. 3) Exam patterns should be reduced. 4) Central organization or agency should be established to manage admission system. and 5) The selection should consider the number of hours in community service.


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How to Cite

โปธิ ป., อินทรัศมี พ., สุมาลี ส., & แสงจันทร์ ว. (2019). Comparative Admission Analysis of Higher Education in Thailand and New Zealand. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(3), 65–75. retrieved from



Research Article