The Effects of Learning Process Training by Using Peer Tutoring on Lanna Alphabet Reading and Writing Ability of Primary School Three Students


  • ศราวุธ หล่อดี School of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao, Phayao Province 56000


Training, Learning Process by Using Peer Tutoring, Reading, Writing, Lanna Alphabet


The present study aimed to compare Lanna alphabet reading and writing ability of primary school three students between before and after training by using peer tutoring. The subjects gained from purposive sampling were 11 primary school three students in the academic year 2014 at Ban Wang Chang (Theeraratrungsarit), Phrae Province. Research instrument used for collecting data was Lanna reading test, Lanna writing test and observation form. Research instrument used for the experiment was three Lanna alphabet activities for training reading and writing with the total of six hours within three weeks. The results were analyzed by using arithmetic means, standard deviation and t-test. 

The results revealed that the students who were trained by using learning process of peer tutoring had higher reading and writing ability after the training as compared with before training with .05 level of statistical significance.



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How to Cite

หล่อดี ศ. (2019). The Effects of Learning Process Training by Using Peer Tutoring on Lanna Alphabet Reading and Writing Ability of Primary School Three Students. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(3), 26–32. retrieved from



Research Article