The Quality System Management Model in World-Class Standard Schools for the Primary Educational Service Area Office


  • พรจรรย์ พัชรมณี Education Administration, University of Phayao, Phayao Province 56000
  • สมบัติ นพรัก Education Administration, University of Phayao, Phayao Province 56000
  • เทียมจันทร์ พานิชย์ผลินไชย Fuculty of Education, Naresuan University, Phisanulok Province 65000
  • สันติ บูรณะชาติ Education Administration, University of Phayao, Phayao Province 56000


Model, Quality management, World-Class Standard School, Primary Education


 The objective of this research was to develop the quality system management model in world-class standard schools for the primary educational service area office with the following sub-objectives : 1) To study the actual situations problems and the ways of the quality system management in world-class standard schools for the primary educational service area office  2) To construct the quality system management model in world-class standard schools for the primary educational service area office and 3) To evaluate the quality system management model in world-class standard schools for the primary educational service area office 

The research procedure was performed in three steps : 1) analyzing and synthesizing relevant document research findings, concepts and the theories in administration, then questionnaires 238 were school administrators in world-class standard schools for the primary educational service area office, then interviewing 6 education experts. Data were analyzed through means, percentage and content analysis. 2) constructing of a tentative model, then checking its appropriateness through focus group discussion among 9 educational experts 3) evaluating the usefulness and feasibility by 50 were school administrators in world-class standard schools for the primary educational service area office : data were analyzed, using means and standard deviations.

The results of the research were as follows :

  1. The quality system management in world-class standard schools for the primary educational service area office; inputs process results and environment.
  2. The quality system management model in world-class standard schools for the primary educational service area office has been abbreviated to “PIE MODEL” consists of four main components and three conditions for achievements ; 1) inputs with personnel and school administrations 2) process consists of 3 steps; step 1. planning with leadership and strategic; step 2 implementation with student and stakeholder focus, faculty and staff focus and process management; step 3 evaluation with measurement analysis and analysis and knowledge management and performance result 3) results consists of outputs with quality of learners and out comes with the satisfaction of teachers, students, parents and communities. 4) Environment includes factors contributing and factors that hinder management. Conditions for achievements; 1) policies of the quality management in world-class standard schools and 2) the ability of personnel 3) supervision, evaluation and management. 3) The evaluation of the constructed model yielded the results as useful at a high level and high feasible.



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How to Cite

พัชรมณี พ., นพรัก ส., พานิชย์ผลินไชย เ., & บูรณะชาติ ส. (2019). The Quality System Management Model in World-Class Standard Schools for the Primary Educational Service Area Office. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(3), 33–45. retrieved from



Research Article