The Development of the Participative Model of Establishment in School Administration be under Vocational Education Commission


  • โสภา อำนวยรัตน์ Education Administration, University of Phayao, Phayao Province 56000


The Participative of Establishment, School Administration


This research aimed 1) to study the current requirement of the participative of establishments in school administration be under vocational education commission 2) to build and check a participative model of establishments in school administration be under vocational education commission 3) to evaluate the participative model of establishments in school administration be under vocational education commission. The research is divided into three phases: Phase 1 the study of the current requirement of the participative of establishments in school administration be under vocational education commission; Phase 2 the building and check of a participative model of establishments in school administration be under vocational education commission; Phase 3 the evaluation of the participative model of establishments in school administration be under vocational education commission. The results revealed that:

  1. The result of the study of the current requirement of the participative of establishments in school administration be under vocational education commission found that the current requirement of establishments of all three field be devise, manage, follow and evaluation.
  2. The result of the building and check of a participative model of establishments in school administration be under vocational education commission was taken from the result of Phrase 1 that were the co-operate planning, the co-operate working, the co-operate monitoring and evaluation. It was used to model the draft and sent it to the experts to determine the suitability and feasibility. The result of model found that the suitability of the model was at a high level and the possibility was at a high level.
  3. The result of the evaluation of the participative model of establishments in school administration be under vocational education commission the suitability was at a high level and the possibility was at a high level that met the qualification as well as the item assessment that was at the high level and above.


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How to Cite

อำนวยรัตน์ โ. (2019). The Development of the Participative Model of Establishment in School Administration be under Vocational Education Commission. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(3), 2–11. retrieved from



Research Article