The Competency Development Model for Supervisors in the Secondary Educational Service Area Office


  • เสน่ห์ กรแก้ว Education Administration, School of Education, University of Phayao, Phayao Province 56000
  • สมบัติ นพรัก School of Education, University of Phayao, Phayao, 56000
  • เทียมจันทร์ พานิชย์ผลินไชย Education Administration, Faculty of Education, Naresuan University, Pisanulok Province 65000
  • สันติ บูรณะชาติ Education Administration, School of Education, University of Phayao, Phayao Province 56000


Model, Competency Development Supervisor


The study entitled “The Competency Development Model for Supervisors in the Secondary Educational Service Area Office” aimed to (1) study the competency and a guideline in aptitude development for the supervisors to (2) create a competency development model for the supervisors, and to (3) evaluate the competency development model for the supervisors.

Method of the study consisted of three steps; 1) the study of the competency and a guideline in aptitude development for the supervisors in the Secondary Educational Service Area Office was  the documentary research, research related to Core Competency and Functional Competency, and guideline for competency development were studied to construct questionnaires, then distributing them to  9 experts to check validity with an The results of the research were as follows:analysis of Index of consistency (IOC) based on the experts’ suggestions, 2) constructing the competency performance development model for supervisors was the study with the application of Delphi by inquiring the 17 experts  to consider the appropriateness and possibility of behavior indicator in the Core Competency and the Functional Competency, appropriateness and method of competency development ,and the procedures in competency development. The data analysis was carried out based on Median (Mdn) and Inter quartile range, and 3) evaluating  the competency development model  employed the sampling consisting of 209 supervisors from 42 the Secondary Educational Service Area Office or around 82.94 percent gathered from the questionnaire. The data analysis was carried out with the use of mean and standard deviation.

  1) Competence and a guideline for development (1.1) the supervisor’s competency consists of core competency and functional competency. The core competency was divided into five aspects consisting of Morality, Ethics, Responsibility, Teamwork; Service Mind, Self-Development, and Accomplishment.  The Functional Competency has nine areas consisting of skill in human relations and the creation of motivation, supervision education, management, curriculum development, learning process, following-up, verification, educational assessment, education quality assurance, the leadership of academic ,policy and planning for quality of education development and educational innovation research, and academic works  (1.2) A guideline for competency development consists of the method of competence development and the development processes. The method of competency development consisted of two aspects; self-development and work development. Self-development is divided into 9 ways i.e.  social learning, autonomous learning, increasing one’s knowledge, self-training, life goal determination, strong and weak analysis, self-development planning, self-adjustment, and self-assessment; There were 7 ways of  job development including the study of policy,  strategies, and directions for education management of the original affiliation, actions based on human relations, teamwork, and democratic process, determination for development, goal strategic planning in cooperative, needs analysis and performance evaluation and work improvement; The procedures for supervisor’s competency development was classified into six steps; (i) an analytical study on Policy and Direction of Education Management, (ii) Planning, (iii) Doing, (iv) Checking,(v) Acting or  improvement, and (vi) Reviewing.

             2)  A construction of competency development model consists of 3 constituents; (i) the first constituent, the supervisor’s competency comprised of core competency with five areas13 competencies, 38 behavioral indicators and nine areas in the functional competency, 28 competencies, 79 behavioral indicators, (ii) the second component, the method of development was divided into two areas; i.e. 9 ways of the self-development and 7 ways of job development. The third constituent, the procedures for supervisor’s competency development was classified into six steps.

            3)  Results in assessing competency development model:  Overall, benefits of the model was at the the highest level whereas the possibility was at a high level and the method of development and the processes were possible in a great way.


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How to Cite

กรแก้ว เ., นพรัก ส., พานิชย์ผลินไชย เ., & บูรณะชาติ ส. (2019). The Competency Development Model for Supervisors in the Secondary Educational Service Area Office. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 4(3), 53–68. retrieved from