From an Integration of Linguistics to an Alteration of Attitudes towards English Language Teaching and Learning
Attitude, Integrated instruction, Phonics, Semantic Field, SyntaxAbstract
This research article aims to investigate both teacher’s and students’ attitudes towards linguistic integration concept associated with English teaching and learning. The purposively sampling included an English teacher and her 12 students of Grade 4 in Betty Dumen Border Patrol Police School in Pong Sub-district, Phayao province. After the implementation of
the teaching, the questionnaires consisted 2 parts: attitudes towards the teaching and further comments were distributed to the teacher and the students. Mean and Standard Deviation were used to analyse data. The research results are divided into 2 parts, the attitude of teacher and students towards integrated English language teaching and additional suggestions and comments. With regard to attitude towards the teaching and integrated learning, teacher’s level of attitude was highest (x̅= 4.70, S.D. = 0.48) as well as the students’ attitude with highest level (x̅= 4.51, S.D. = 0.22). In the part of attitude towards English language teaching and learning, teacher showed their highest level of attitude (x̅= 5, S.D. = 0) whereas the students’ level of attitude was high (x̅= 4.40, S.D. = 0.20). In the aspect of suggestions and opinions towards integrated learning and teaching, teacher viewed integrated learning and teaching was beneficial to learners, particularly drawing her students’ attention and learning development, whereas the students viewed this method of teaching helped them learn and improve their learning development, both in pronunciation vocabulary recognition and writing at the sentence to paragraph level.
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