Sustainable Agricultural Practices For Tourism Management in Mae Tha Sub-District, Mae on, Chiang mai


  • รสสุคนธ์ ปัญญาพงศ์วัฒน School of Tourism Development, Maejo University, Chiang Mai Province 50290
  • ยุทธการ ไวยอาภา School of Tourism Development, Maejo University, Chiang Mai Province 50290
  • วราภรณ์ ดวงแสง School of Tourism Development, Maejo University, Chiang Mai Province 50290
  • มนสิชา อินทจักร School of Tourism Development, Maejo University, Chiang Mai Province 50290


Sufficiency economy, Sustainable agriculture, Agritourism


This abstract aimed to explore the resources of sustainable agritourism in Tumbon Mae Ta, Amphoe Mae On in Chiang Mai. Secondly, it aimed to evaluate tourism resources in Tumbon Mae Ta, Amphoe Mae-On, Chiang Mai. Thirdly, it was to survey sustainable agritourism management format in Tumbon Mae Ta, Amphoe Mae-On, Chiang Mai. The data was collected from 70 people of 7 villages in Tumbon Mae Ta, Amphoe Mae-On, Chiang Mai by purposive sampling. The proved questionnaire on its content and reliability test was used to collect data. It’s found that the value of coefficient of reliability was 0.80. Moreover, the researcher had conducted the in-depth interview alongside and analyzed the data with statistical package for the social sciences. The research on the environment and the study on the perspective of the sample group, it indicated the results as the followings.

Most of the respondents were female, aged around 47 years old. Their highest education level was elementary level. Most of them were agriculturists with average earning 8,896 Baht monthly.  They mostly resided in Tumbon Mae Ta. The survey of the sustainable agritourism attractions based on the conceptual perspective and the sustainable agriculture format in Tumbon Mae Ta showed that the conceptual perspective of Buddhism agriculture was on the highest level. Most of the respondents had high conceptual perspective on knowledge and understanding on the agricultural format. The evaluation on the tourism resources in Tumbon Mae Ta indicated that its resources had high potential in supporting agritourism attractions. It showed moderate potential in managing agritourism resources in the dimension of a host, and high potential in the dimension of marketing. The result indicated high potential of attractionsand services of agritourismresources.  The survey on the sustainable agritourism management format in Tumbon Mae Ta found that the respondents highly agreed that tourism resources andagricultural products could be used as tourism resources, format, as well as service.


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How to Cite

ปัญญาพงศ์วัฒน ร., ไวยอาภา ย., ดวงแสง ว., & อินทจักร ม. (2019). Sustainable Agricultural Practices For Tourism Management in Mae Tha Sub-District, Mae on, Chiang mai. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 5(1), 101–122. retrieved from



Research Article