Development of electronic encyclopedia of Kwan Phayao


  • รตนพรรษ สุชาติ Division of Computer Graphics and Multimedia, School of Information Communication Technology, University of Phayao, Phayao Province 56000
  • เชาวน์ ปอแก้ว Division of Information Technology, School of Information Communication Technology, University of Phayao, Phayao Province 56000


The information and knowledge related to “Kwan Phayao” or Phayao lake consisted of various aspects such as history, economy, society, art and culture, tourism, and folk wisdom, etc. However, those data were unsystematic managed. In other words, data related to Phayao lake was found improper handling, uncategorized led to the difficulties of data usage. Nowadays, the advance of technology and internet support data collection, data management and data development and transform those data into an electronics encyclopedia. These data become acceptable information and could be useful for users. Hence, the participation of related experts and social cooperation was the key element for content analysis process. It determined to discover the fact, analyze, summarize, edit and use them as tools to construct Phayao Lake’s Electronic Encyclopedia to become acceptable information center in terms of clearness and rightness which could be useful to local community.


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How to Cite

สุชาติ ร., & ปอแก้ว เ. (2019). Development of electronic encyclopedia of Kwan Phayao. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 5(2), 122–132. retrieved from



Research Article