The innovation of television program and participle of deaf people


  • พัชรินทร์ ผากา Innovative Communication For Sustainable Development, Graduate School of Communcation Arts and Management Innovation, National Institute of Development Administration, Bangkok 10240


Deaf People, Participation, Television Program, Innovation


The study of the innovation of television program and participation of deaf people had focused on sign languages in television program for hearing-impaired or deaf people. Thai PBS broadcast program, JAI TAO KAN, had been in use for quality research by in-depth interview and the focus group. As a result, the sender and economy are the important factors that made the program possible for deaf people had been.  Because JAI TAO KAN was supported from media department to give the benefit to the public not to make the profit so the program could broadcast on free television network. Next, the law and technology factor had become the impelled to the media to produce more programs for deaf people and to help them have the right and freedom in the media. However, a person in normal society unaware of the physical limitations and communication of the deaf and the equality of humanity so that’s the culture and society factor was the reason to television program for deaf in Thailand was limited. 

JAI TAO KAN production team were formed by deaf staffs and normal staffs. They could communicate throughout the process because they were all part of the key factors as viewers, receivers, messengers, productions, co-productions and actors. The host of the program was deaf but the host had a privilege in pre-production, production and post- production while on an executive level still had none.

The study of satisfaction of the audiences between deaf and normal audiences to the program, both were satisfy with the content and concept of the program because its entertained and educated also had variety ways for deaf people to perform their best potential. By supportive the sign languages and closed captions help the hearing-impaired or deaf people understand the program and enjoy it even more. However, there were some problems from the deaf and normal audiences. First, they both agreed that the air time of the program was not suitable. Second, the closed captions were too small. Next the guests of the program were unknown or they are not celebrities. But the most important problem was the conversation was too long and they could not catch the captions.

The study on utilization showed that the deaf audience received a lot of benefits from the program. They had useful knowledge. Also they could make a conversation with the member of their family. These methods will help reducing inequality in today society and create an inspiration for other. As for the normal audiences, they will gain awareness to the deaf people in society that they both have equality in knowledge, ability and potentials and that deaf people were not difference than normal people.


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How to Cite

ผากา พ. (2019). The innovation of television program and participle of deaf people. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 5(2), 81–101. retrieved from



Research Article