The charismatic leadership of the mayor in the Municipal district Muang Udonthani province


  • อรอุมา สินธุพันธ์ public administration, Suan-sunandha-rajabhat University, Udon Thani province 41000


Charismatic leadership, Municipal district


The purpose of this research were to 1) to study the Charismatic leadership of the mayor of the Municipality District Muang Udonthani Province. 2) to compare the Charismatic leadership of the mayor of the Municipality District muang Udonthani  Province. 3) Introduce the guidelines for the development of the Municipality District  Muang Udonthani Province. The study employed a quantitative research method. The research sample was the administrators and sub-district government person the  District Udonthani Province were 247 people from simple sampling. The instrument used was a questionnaire used for data analysis. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation. Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient The multiple comparisons using the test method will examine Scheffe's pairwise differences.

The research found that the following: 1) the Charismatic leadership of the mayor of the Municipality District Muang Udonthani Province Overall and individual aspects are at a high level. 2) Comparison Charismatic leadership of the mayor of the Municipality District Muang Udonthani Province Classified by personal status. Overall and individual not different 3) The development Charismatic leadership of the mayor of the Municipality District  Muang Udonthani Province  were  found that the overall  was at a high level which were personal power, Communication of self-confidence, unconventional strategies, Follower disenchantment, Accurate assessment of the situation, Extremty vision, High personal risk


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How to Cite

สินธุพันธ์ อ. (2019). The charismatic leadership of the mayor in the Municipal district Muang Udonthani province. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 6(1), 42–59. retrieved from



Research Article