A model of Phayao tourism Image Management


  • วารัชต์ มัธยมบุรุษ Tourism and Hotel Management program, University of Phayao, Phayao province 56000


Study of Model of Tourism Image Management of Phayao Province. The objective of this study was to study the tourism image management of Phayao Province for tourism development. Quantitative tool was compiled to Thai tourist questionnaire and qualitative tools are documentary, non-participant observation, interview and small group discussion with public, private and community tourism organization. The quantitative result with 400 tourists showed that most sample are women with 53.0 %, 36.5 % aged between 21 and 30 years old. 31.5% were income more than 30,000 bath, 60 % came to visit during the weekend and with the family of 30.5 %. The result of Phayao tourism image revealed that top four tourism destination are cultural, natural, agricultural and border tourism respectively. Tourists were recognizing the image of the Internet through social media reviews. The issue was the nature tourism and culture around Phayao lake. The tourism will travelling in city area and will come tourism festival period..The result of small group discussion with 20 participants include public, private and community tourism organization. Conclusion drawn for the study was the image of should create a 360 degree tourism to tourists to visit the whole year. And focus on public relations for Phayao tourism which emphasize on peace, good health, long stay, diversity of culture. Then organization work with the public, private, community and educational sectors to drive tourism Image Management.


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How to Cite

มัธยมบุรุษ ว. (2019). A model of Phayao tourism Image Management. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 6(2), 8–28. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Humanties-up/article/view/196532



Research Article