Development Management System of Online Service Forms (e-Form) for Graduate Studies, Graduate School,


  • Sarinya Kiangkhwa Computer Technical Officer Professional Level Graduate School, Mahasarakham University


Development System, Management System, Online Service Forms (e-Form), Graduate School, Strategy


The research objectives are as follows: 1) The development and evaluation of the Development Management System of Online Service Forms (e-Form), 2) Comparison of satisfaction levels among users with different statuses 3) Study of the satisfaction of system users. The research sample consisted of 492 graduate students, professors, and administrators. The research instruments included: 1) The e-Form system 2) Performance assessment forms 3) Satisfaction assessment forms. The statistics methods used for data analysis included mean, standard deviation, and t-test comparison. The research results found that : 1) The system functions as a web application with a framework comprising 6modules: webmasters, students, professors, graduate school staff, university administrators, and registration officer. The overall efficiency of the system across all aspects was rated at a high level (=4.28) 2) The results of the comparison of user satisfaction with the system, which includes gender, type, age group, and belonging to the relevant faculty group according to the field of study, showed that satisfaction with using the system overall and in both aspects was not significantly different at the .05 level. 3) Overall, satisfaction among all user groups of the system was rated at
a high level (=4.33). The results from the Development Management System of Online Service Forms (e-Form) for Graduate Studies can provide valuable input for planning and strategy. The facilitate the enhancement and advancement of information systems to offer flexible online services for all user groups. The approach aligns with the current are and complies with the service management policy for online services.


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2024-03-11 — Updated on 2024-05-13


How to Cite

Kiangkhwa, S. . (2024). Development Management System of Online Service Forms (e-Form) for Graduate Studies, Graduate School, . Journal of Education, Loei Rajabhat University, 18(1), 39–53. Retrieved from (Original work published March 11, 2024)



Research Article