A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Mental Toughness Influencing Performance of Emergency Medical System Personnel, in the Situation of the New corona virus disease 2019 Outbreak
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This research aimed to analyze the confirmatory psychosocial resilience components of emergency medical personnel during the outbreak of the novel coronavirus 2019. The study employed a quantitative research design with a sample group consisting of emergency medical doctors, nurses, emergency medical practitioners, and volunteer emergency responders, totaling 223 individuals. The participants were selected using a simple random sampling method. The research instrument used was a questionnaire measuring the psychosocial resilience of emergency medical personnel during the outbreak of the novel coronavirus 2019, with seven levels of approximation. The questionnaire demonstrated a 0.812 alignment with the research objectives and had a Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient of 0.878. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and structural equation modeling. The research findings indicated:
1) The psychosocial resilience components of emergency medical personnel during the outbreak of the novel coronavirus 2019 comprised four factors: challenging motivation, determined focus, self-control, and confidence, and 2) The confirmatory results of the psychosocial resilience components of emergency medical personnel during the outbreak of the novel coronavirus 2019 were consistent with observational data. The chi-square value was 103.224 with degrees of freedom (df) equal to 94 and a statistically significant p-value of 0.242. The Comparative Fit Index (CFI) was 0.997, the Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) was 0.969, the Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI) was 0.944, and the Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) was 0.017.
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