Development of Basic Petanque Pointers Skills for Petanque Athletes
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The purposes of this research were 1) To develop the basic Petanque pointers skills test for Petanque athletes, 2) To search for quality of the basic Petanque pointers skills test for Petanque athletes, and 3) To study about the basic Petanque pointers skills test for Petanque athletes. The sample consisted was Petanque athletes from Pranakron Sri Ayutthaya. The samples used in this study was a purposive sampling by using specification, that was the 20 athletes must to be live in Pranakron Sri Ayutthaya only. The material used in this study were 1) A sliding Petanque skills test, and 2) Half skills Petanque test. Statistics used in data analysis were mean, standard deviation, Pearson Product Moment Correlation, Test-retest reliability, and Validity.
The results of the research showed that
1) The results from checking the Index of Item Objective Congruence (IOC) about the basic Petanque pointers skills test for Petanque athletes in Pranakron Sri Ayutthaya showed the IOC varied in range around 1.00.
2) The findings indicated that the qualities the basic Petanque pointers skills test by using the scores out of 2 the experts once and the second times. Finding the value t by Pearson Product Moment Correlation had mean of a sliding Petanque skills test was t = .877** and half skills Petanque test = .926** The objectivity levels of the tests were good.
3) The result of testing the skills of the basic Petanque pointers skills test had mean was 17.25 was very well and the Half skills Petanque test had had mean was 16.95 was very well.
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Critical thinking in journals is the right of the author. The Association of Health Education, Physical Education and Recreation of Thailand is not always required, to create diversity in ideas and creativity.
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