The application of folk games affecting motor skills of early childhood children

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Jinjuta Pantong
Toasak Kawjaratwilai
Niromlee Makajae


Introduction: The application of folk play affects the motor skills of preschool children. By practicing folk games, the development of mechanical and cognitive abilities of early childhood children was achieved. Helping early childhood children enjoy independent play. It also allows early childhood children to enjoy playing independently. It also helps instill in children awareness and appreciation of the importance and love of sustainable exercise, which is convenient and cost-effective in organizing movement activities. As a part of social development, it leads to good citizenship, mechanical competence and good learning achievement.

Discussion: Movement is very important and necessary for human beings. Especially in the conditions of human existence in today's society. Principles for organizing basic movement activities must take into account the child and provide opportunities for the child to demonstrate their abilities. Folk games promote children's development in four aspects: physical, emotional-mental, social and intellectual, as well as promoting children's learning experience that meets the needs of children and can help children to adapt to society, which is an important development in life in today's society as well.

Conclusion:  The organization of movement activities in early childhood with the application of folk play affected the motor skills of early childhood children. Helps early is suitable for development processes in various fields as part of social development, leading to good citizenship, mechanical competence and good learning achievements.


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