The Development of Online Training Using Demonstration Methods for Supporting a Basic Knowledge of Helping Water Victims for Children
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The purposes of this research were: 1)to develop of Online Training Using Demonstration Methods for Supporting A Basic Knowledge of Helping Water Victims for Children quality, 2) to compare the learning achievement of the Online Training Using Demonstration Methods for Supporting A Basic Knowledge of Helping Water Victims for Children with a criteria of 70 percent, 3) to study the satisfaction of the trainees toward the Online Training Using Demonstration Methods for Supporting A Basic Knowledge of Helping Water Victims for Children, the target group used in this research were 36 students in primary grade 6 at Ubon Ratchathani Rajabat University Demonstration School, which were obtained by using purposive sampling method. The instruments used were: 1) the Online Training procedures Using Demonstration Methods for Supporting A Basic Knowledge of Helping Water Victims for Children, with an mean of 4.68 2) an achievement test on the topic of Helping Water Victims for Children, which were post-test 20 items, multiple choice question, 4 answer options, which has The test has a difficulty value between 0.21-0.79, Discrimination power between 0.25-0.42 and reliability at 0.72, and 3) the 20-item, 3-level rating scale satisfaction questionnaire of the participants towards the Online Training procedures Using Demonstration Methods, which has the Index of item objectivecongruence between 0.67-1.00. The statistics used in the study were mean and standard.
The result of the study were as follows: 1) the Online Training procedures Using Demonstration Methods for Supporting A Basic Knowledge of Helping Water Victims for Children had 8 procedures as follows: 1.1) set training objectives 1.2) analyzed training participants 1.3) course content design 1.4) setting online training activities through the internet network 1.5) preparing the training environment on the internet 1.6) participants orientation 1.7) training and 1.8) assessment, the experts assessed the overall suitability at the most appropriate level ( = 4.68, S.D = 0.44) 2) The results of this study show that online training by demonstration method, to enhance the basic knowledge of the water disaster for children has an average score of 16.42 out of 20, met the criteria of 70 percent of which equals 14 points and 3) the results of the assessment of the participants’ satisfaction with the procedure were at the highest level ( = 2.75, S.D. = 0.40).
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Critical thinking in journals is the right of the author. The Association of Health Education, Physical Education and Recreation of Thailand is not always required, to create diversity in ideas and creativity.
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