Cognitive Performance on Success in Judo Athletes.
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The purpose of this research was to compare the effects of cognitive performance on success among successful and unsuccessful judo athletes. The subjects for this study were Twenty successful judo athletes in the national judo competition and 20 unsuccessful judo athletes in the national judo competition, they were selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments comprised are the brain ability test (Department of Physical Education, 2020) consisting of a simple reaction time test, a choice reaction time test, Design Fluency test Mental rotation test, Spatial visualization test, the statistics used were independent t-test.
The results revealed that the Cognitive performance between successful judo athletes and unsuccessful judo athletes are statistical significantly different at the level 0.5. In simple reaction test (p = 0.24) mental rotation (p = .002) Spatial Temporal Intelligence (p = .029). However, we can’t see the difference between the average group choice reaction time (p = .314) The ability to design a unique image in black dot connections test (p = .96) The white dot connections test (p = .59) and overall points in the ability to design a unique picture (p = .58)
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Critical thinking in journals is the right of the author. The Association of Health Education, Physical Education and Recreation of Thailand is not always required, to create diversity in ideas and creativity.
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