Marketing Mix Factors Affecting The Decision-Making Process Toward Atteding Thai Premier League In Suphanburi Central Stadium Among Suphanburi FC Fans
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This aims of this research were to study the marketing mix factors affecting the decision-making process of Suphanburi F.C. fans regarding their attendance of Thai Premier League football in Suphanburi Central Stadium in order to analyze problems and formulate guidelines. The participants in the study were Suphanburi F.C. fans who attended home games. There was a total of 384 participants, with 262 males (68.20%) and 122 females (31.80%). The tools used in this research were questionnaires created by researchers. Each questionnaire has an IOC (Index of Coefficient) between 0.80 -1.00 and reliability a = 0.89. The statistics used to analyze the data included frequency values, percentage values, an independent sample t-test, ANOVA, F-test, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients and a Chi–Square was used to test the research hypotheses. The results revealed the following: (1) the seven aspects of the marketing mix for service businesses (7P’s): (1) products and services; (2) price; (3) place; (4) promotion; (5) people; (6) process; (7) physical evidence, had the greatest level of value in all aspects. The three components of attitudes included: (1) the cognitive component (X̅ = 3.53 S.D. = 0.80); (2) the affective component (X̅ = 3.69, S.D. = 0.68); and the behavioral component (X̅ = 3.22 S.D. = 1.03), had the greatest level of value in all aspects. In terms of decision-making behavior, the results showed that 233 participants (60.70%) attended football matches once a month, followed by 105 participants (27.30%) once or twice a month and three to four months with 32 participants (8.30%). Moreover, 175 participants (45.60%) usually spent less or equal to 300 Baht, followed by 301-500 Baht with 143 participants (37.20%) and 501-700 Baht with a total of 48 participants (12.50%). According to the field selection, 88 participants (49.00%) normally attended home games, followed by 140 participants (36.50%) who attended only the most convenient locations, and lastly, participants who attended both home and away games or attended only away games were 28 participants (7.30%). Finally, 160 participants (41.70%) attended football match because of peer pressure follow by attending by choice were 104 participants (27.10%) and 75 (19.50%) participants attended football match because of family. All seven aspects of the marketing mix (7P’s) and components of attitude had a relationship with the decision-making process toward attending Thai Premier League football matches in Suphanburi Central Stadium at a statistically significant level of 0.05.
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Critical thinking in journals is the right of the author. The Association of Health Education, Physical Education and Recreation of Thailand is not always required, to create diversity in ideas and creativity.
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