The Effects of Learning Management of Badminton for Health According to the Concept of the Science of King Bhumibol Affecting Basic Skills and Physical Fitness for Health of Students of Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen Campus
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The objectives of this research were 1) to compare the basic skills of badminton and physical fitness for the health of Kasetsart University students Kamphaeng Saen Campus before and after attending the course according to the royal concept 2) to compare the basic badminton skills and physical fitness for the health of Kasetsart University students Kamphaeng Saen Campus after the experiment for those that attended the course according to royal concept with those that attended a regular course. And 3) to study on the satisfaction of Kasetsart University students Kamphaeng Saen Campus towards the management of learning badminton for health according to the king’s concept. The samples were 80 students who enrolled on the course 01175112 Badminton for Health in the second academic year of 2021 by using Simple Random Samples. They were divided into 2 groups; 40 students each by drawing names. The research instruments consisted of 1) learning management plan for health badminton course according to the King's concept consisting 8 learning management plans, 2) Badminton Basic Skills Test, 3) Health Physical Fitness Test and Criteria, and 4) Satisfaction Questionnaire on Badminton for Health Learning Management according to the royal concept. The statistics used in the research were mean, standard deviation and comparison test using the “t” value.
The results of the research showed that 1) basic skills of badminton and physical fitness for health after learning management of physical education courses according to the concept of the King and normal learning management were significantly higher at the .05 level 2) basic skills in badminton and physical fitness for health after the management of physical education courses according to the concept of the King higher than normal learning management statistically significant at the level .05 except Body Mass Index which was not different, 3) The students' satisfaction towards the learning management of badminton for health course was at a high level.
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Critical thinking in journals is the right of the author. The Association of Health Education, Physical Education and Recreation of Thailand is not always required, to create diversity in ideas and creativity.
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