The Effect of a Comparison of Plyometric Training Program and Body Weight Training Program on Leg Muscle Power and Speed in the 50-Meter Breaststroke of Swimming Athletes at Bangkok Sports School

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Ekkasit Suklarp
Tharin Kanlueng
Paiboon Napranbun


This research aims to compare the effect of a plyometric training program and a body weight training program on leg muscle power and speed in the 50-meter breaststroke of swimmers at the Bangkok Sports School. The population consisted for 30 swimmers under the Bangkok Sports School by choosing a specific for 20 swimmers, divided into 2 groups by each groups for 10 swimmers. Experimental group 1 and experimental group 2 trained would be training for 2 hours per day and 3 days per week total 8 weeks. The research method is Plyometric training program, the body weight training program had an IOC value of 0.95, The frog swimming skill training program had an IOC value of 0.97, The leg strength was tested with the standing long jump test and the speed test in the 50m brackish swimming test. And for the analysis method in this research is statistics Mean Standard Deviation, pre and post trials by week 4 and week 8 of experimental group 1 and experimental group 2 with statistical t-test and Wilcoxon signed rank test. Difference between experimental group 1 and experimental group 2 after 8 weeks of training using Man Whitney u test.

The result of research shown that the leg strength and 50-meter breaststroke speed in groups of 2 experimental group was no difference and for the leg strength and 50-meter breaststroke speed between groups of 2 experimental after training in week4 and week8, there was no difference. For swimming speed was decrease mean time for both groups. Experimental group 1 had mean time less than experimental group 2 and for leg muscle strength both experimental groups was increase.


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