Developing Social Responsibility in Work of Physical Education Teacher the Vocational Education Commission, Central Region 4
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This research aims to develop social responsibility guidelines for physical education teachers’ work performances under The Office of Vocational Education Commission, Central Region 4. Four steps to conduct this research were; 1) to study documents, research papers, and related reports to principles, theories, and concepts of social responsibility guidelines for physical education teachers’ work performances; 2) to develop a social responsibility guidelines for physical education teachers’ work performances under The Office of Vocational Education Commission, Central Region 4; 3) to conduct suitability and feasibility study of social responsibility guidelines for physical education teachers’ work performances under The Office of Vocational Education Commission, Central Region 4 by (focus group discussion from 9 experts; 4) to prepare a model of social responsibility development guidelines for physical education teachers’ work performances under The Office of Vocational Education Commission, Central Region 4.
The research findings revealed that social responsibility guidelines for physical education teachers’ work performances under The Office of Vocational Education Commission, Central Region 4 were 10aspects which consisted of 37 items; 1) Leadership development, (3 items); 2) Training and development, (5 items);3) Change Management, (4 items); 4) Team collaboration, (3 items); 5) Talent Management, (4 items); 6) Diversity and multicultural, (5items); 7) Ethics and good governance, (4items); 8) Core value, 3items; 9) Hygiene and safety,(4 items); 10) Human relation and Employee engagement, (2 items), and suitability and feasibility study of social responsibility guidelines for physical education teachers’ work performances under The Office of Vocational Education Commission, Central Region 4, may be suitable for application in the future.
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Critical thinking in journals is the right of the author. The Association of Health Education, Physical Education and Recreation of Thailand is not always required, to create diversity in ideas and creativity.
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