Effects of Applied TABATA Program on Health – Related Physical Fitness of Students Prathom 6 at Watboth Primary School
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The purpose of this research was to study the results of the applied TABATA program towards the physical fitness for the health of Primary 6 students at Wat Both (Inburi) school. The samples were 40 males and females of Primary 6 students that were selected by Cluster random Sampling. They were divided into two groups. The experimental group were 20 students who participated the exercises through the applied TABATA program while the control group participated regular exercises three times a week for 8 weeks. The research instruments consisted of the applied TABATA program which was created by the researcher and checked for face validity by 5 experts and the physical fitness test of primary students at the range of ages 7-12 of Sport Science Bureau, Department of Physical Education, Ministry of Tourism and Sports. The statistics used were mean, standard deviation, and t-test.
The results were as follows: 1) The average score of all items of health-related physical fitness between the experimental group and the control group in a week before training the program was no different. 2) The average score of 30 seconds of squad- jump, 60 seconds of modified push-ups, 3 minutes step up and down between experimental group and the control group after training at the eighth week were the statistically significant difference at 0.05 but the body mass index, and sit and reach were not a significant difference. 3) The average score of all items of the health-related physical fitness within experimental group was the statistically significant difference at 0.05 when comparing between a week before training and after the eighth week of training. 4), the average score of the sit and reach within control group were the statistically significant difference at 0.05, but The body mass index with 30 seconds squad-jump, 60 seconds of meet and push-ups, and 3 minutes step up and down were not different when comparing between a week before training and after the eighth week of training.
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