A Development of Quantitative and Qualitative 800 Meters Running Skills Test for Undergraduate Students in the Field of Physical Education
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The research aimed to development of quantitative and qualitative 800 meters running skills test form for undergraduates. The population was 40 undergraduates in Physical Education Program, Kasetsart University registering for Principle and Teaching Approach of Athletics in Tract Event, the second semester, academic year of 2019. By testing the content validity by finding values (Index of Item – Objective congruence (IOC) from having experts examine the research questionnaire, consisting of quantitative and qualitative 800 meters running skills test form for undergraduates consisting of 1 quantitative item which was 800 meters running skills test form and 4 items which were Start running skills test form, Straightaway running skills test form, Curve running skills test form and Finish running skills test form. Content Validity was examined by 5 experts using Rovinelli and Hambleton’s method. For the first evaluation, the researcher assistants recorded video of the practice and the second evaluation was the video recording next week. Pearson-Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and Objectivity were implemented by 2 evaluators analyzing data using Mean and Standard Deviation. The research findings were as follow:
- for quantitative 800 meters running skills test form, it was found that the measurement had Content Validity, Reliability and Objectivity as 0.92, 0.93 and 0.95 respectively.
- for qualitative 800 meters running skills test form which could be evaluated following required behavior objectives, it was revealed that it had Content Validity, Reliability and Objectivity as 0.86, 0.93 and 0.94 respectively.
- for normal criteria of 800 meters running skill test form and the measurement for both male and female undergraduates, Physical Education Program, Kasetsart University and each skill had 5 scales including Excellent, Good, Average, Poor and Very Poor. It was concluded that the quantitative and qualitative middle-distance running skills test form and the measurement for undergraduates had quality and appropriateness and it could be used for measuring and evaluating the undergraduates, Physical Education Program, Kasetsart University.
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Critical thinking in journals is the right of the author. The Association of Health Education, Physical Education and Recreation of Thailand is not always required, to create diversity in ideas and creativity.
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