The Physical Fitness testing for High Performance Aircraft Pilots (Please Start Each Word with a Capital Letter and Continue with Lowercase)

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suchin panthong
Sombut onsiri
Chanchai Kantisiri


The objectives of this research was to construct the physical fitness testing for high-performance aircraft pilots. The physical fitness testing for  highperformance aircraft pilots, including Pull- up, 1 minute sit-up, 1 minute push-up, 3 minutes burpee squat thrust and 1000 meters running that created by the researcher were considered by 7 experts, including flight instructors, high-performance aircraft pilots, aviation medicine doctor, Sports scientists, and physical educator through a focus group discussion process. The content validity were evaluated by 7 experts using index of item objective congruence (IOC) and the reliability was tested by test –retest method with 5 participants  who were F- 16 pilots using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient.

The results found that the content validity of the physical fitness testing for high-performance aircraft pilots that created by researcher was in a level (1.0) and the reliability value in the Pull- up is equal to 1.00, 1 minute sit-up equals .99, 1 minute push-up equals .99 3 minutes burpee squat thrust equals .99 1000 meters running equals .96 It can be concluded that the physical fitness testing for high-performance aircraft pilots was suitable for measuring physical fitness in high performance aircraft pilots.

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