Construction of Scoring Rubric of Track and Field Skills for Mathayomsuksa 2 Students
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The purpose of this study was to construct scoring rubric of track and field skills for Mathayomsuksa 2 students of Kanlayaneesithammarat School, Nakhon Si Thammarat province. The scoring rubric of track and field skills were constructed by the researcher consisting of 15 items as follows: 1) Direct running skill, 2) Curve running skill, 3) Starting skill (foot alignment), 4) Starting skill (entry), 5) Starting skill (preparing to run), 6) Start skill, 7) Running through the finish line skill, 8) Running before jumping, 9) Jumping skill, 10) Floating skill, 11) Grounding skill, 12) Standing skill, 13) Body posture before throwing skill, 14) Throwing skill, and 15) Balance after throwing skill. The content validity was judged by 3 experts according to the Rovinelli and Hambleton method with IOC of 0.82–1.00. Test-retest method, using video record for retest, was used to determine reliability coefficients by 32 students within one week interval. They were found that the reliability coefficients were between 0.61–0.89
The results indicated that the scoring rubric of track and field skills possessed content validity, and the reliability coefficients were acceptable and good
It can be concluded that the scoring rubric of track and field 15 skills possessed a satisfactory application for Mathayomsuksa 2 students of Kanlayaneesithammarat School in Nakhon Si Thammarat province.
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