Health Education Learning Management by Problem-Based Learning to Promote Digital Quotient for Cyber Bullying Prevention of Matthayom 3 Students

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Pornpimon Namwongsa
Karntharat Boonchuaythanasit


The purpose of this quasi-experimental research was to study the effectiveness of health education learning management by problem-based learning to promote digital quotient for cyber bullying prevention of Matthayom 3 students. The 83 participants were selected by multistage sampling. They were 41 and 42 participants in the experimental group and the comparison group respectively. The experimental group participated in active learning management activities for 4 weeks. The comparison group participated in 4 regular health education classes. Questionnaire developed by the researcher was used as an instrument to collect data. Data analysis was made for frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Paired – sample t – test and Independent – sample t – test.

The results of the study revealed that after the experiment, the experimental group had higher average scores in digital intelligence quotient for cyber bullying prevention than before the experiment (p ≤ .05) in two aspects namely cybersecurity management and cyberbullying management. More over the experimental group had a higher average scores in digital intelligence quotient for cyber bullying prevention than those in the comparison group (p ≤ .05) in 3 aspects namely critical thinking, cybersecurity management and cyberbullying management.

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