The Construction of Response Time Machine in Sabre Fencing

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Wittaya Kaewbangtoo
Sombat Onsiri


Response times are important especially fencing athletes. There is currently only a reaction time test for physical fitness of fencing athletes but there is evident lack of the reaction time testing tools in Sabre fencing. This research was to construct the response time machine and to examine the reliability and validity of the response time machine in sabre fencing. The participants used in this research were 20 Kasetsart University fencer athletes. The index of item- objective congruence (IOC) was used to evaluate the face validity of Response time machine by 7 experts. The reliability was evaluated by test-retest method and analyzed by Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. The results found that the face validity of the response time machine was in a excellent level and the reliability was in good level (.892). It can be concluded that response time machine in sabre fencing was suitable for measuring response time in sabre fencing.

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