Effectiveness of Behavior Promotion Program of Home Environmental Management among Family Leader for Elderly Fall Prevention Living in Changwat PathumThani
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This research is a quasi-experimental research in the Pretest Posttest Control Group Design. The objective is to study the effectiveness of the program to promote environmental management behavior in the home of family leaders in order to prevent falls of the elderly living in Pathum Thani Province. The samples were family leaders in the area of Bueng Sanan Subdistrict, Thanyaburi District, Pathum Thani Province, divided into 2 groups: 40 experimental groups and 40 comparison groups. The experimental group received a home environmental behavioral promotion program for family leaders to prevent falls. Of the elderly living in Pathum Thani Province The 8 activities took 9 hours 45 minutes continuously for a period of 7 weeks. The instrument used to collect data was a questionnaire consisting of general information, perceived environmental risk opportunities for falls of the elderly. Perception of the severity of falls in the elderly Perception of the benefits of environmental management to prevent falls of the elderly Perception of obstacles in environmental management to prevent falls of the elderly Induction to environmental management to prevent falls of the elderly Confidence in their ability to manage the environment, prevent falls of the elderly And family environment management behaviors of family leaders to prevent falls of the elderly. The instrument reliability was .1313. Data were analyzed using comparative statistics, paired t-test and independent t - test.
The results of the research showed that After participating in a program to promote environmental management behavior in the home of family leaders to prevent falls of the elderly living in Pathum Thani Province. The sample group had an average score of perception based on the health belief pattern theory. And family environment management behaviors of family leaders to prevent falls of the elderly. Higher than before joining the program to promote environmental management behavior in the home of family leaders to prevent falls of the elderly living in Pathum Thani Province. Significantly (p <.05)
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